Co-Creating Our New Earth
OWN YOUR WISDOM and embody the LOVE MESSENGER you chose to be as this shift happens!
Reach into your inner world to discover your wisdom, your truth.
All of your experiences have fed you.
Open your heart and decide consciously Who You’ll Be.
Inner Teacher
The Final Symbol to discover the Spiritual Hands of Reiki
July 8 & 9, 2023
Ridgeview Retreats & Holistic Wellness,
Mayerthorpe, AB
If you are here reading this, perhaps you are feeling the shift too.
Are you hearing the roar of the wave that is rushing through the world?
EVERYTHING is as it should be, and we are a part of the shift.
Your presence here on the planet has a purpose.
I know, we all do, all ways and at all times.
And yet, this time is different, isn’t it? This incarnation holds so much promise, so much hope for a New Earth, a new human embodiement on the planet.
Close your eyes with me for a moment.
Go ahead.
Life is busy.
It will only take a moment.
Close your eyes and take a deep breath.
Maybe you’ll take a few.
Then, imagine….
Summer birdsong brings a smile to your face as you throw back your covers and peek outside.
Rays of sun peak above the horizon and your breath stops.
The view is truly breath taking!
The ridge of hills sparkles in misty diamonds and surrounds you in it’s reach for forever.
You step out and your arms reach for the sky without you thinking, soaking in the moment.
The morning.
The renewal.
You’ve made it!!!!
Looking back, you’re still amazed at your journey and how far you’ve come.
And that you’re finally here!
About to climb to the summit.
About to move up the mountain of self mastery.
You have chosen now to focus on the spiritual practice of Reiki Ryoho. To live by the teaching of Usui Sensei.
You are choosing a new and deeper way of life.
Looking around, you see others walking and enjoying the morning bliss and you move to start your first day.
Welcome to the FIRST EVER Okuden Reiki Retreat!
Attunements in the trees so that you can feel the elements stirring through your body.
Wisdom flowing like a river so you can ask any question with many sources of experience.
Reiki flying from every tree…literally…they will feel us and know our presence
Unforgettable connections with fellow travellers into the New Earth.
We’ve been talking about this for years, and we’re finally doing it!
Sandra’s place is heaven in the hills and Reiki just loves it there.
We’ve got quite a few teachers this weekend to do attunements and to ensure that you get everything you need during the weekend.
Okuden (3rd degree) Key words: – The doorway to a spiritual path. Inner Teaching (spiritual cultivation and upliftment) – Peace and prosperity. The focus is on a spiritual practice of Reiki Ryoho, i.e. one’s spiritual cultivation and upliftment.
It is to live by the teachings of Usui Sensei that is to say “Reiki Principles”. It is the doorway to a new and deeper way of life to transcend the world of duality, the world of the pairs of opposites.
The aim is to live a healthy, peaceful and prosperous life, i.e. to live a happy life.
- ‘Master’ Symbol – the same one you need as a Teacher
- 4 Attunements
- 12 hours of training
- Discover the Spiritual Hands of Reiki
Discover the wisdom you have gathered throughout your life experience. Realize your power as a sharer of light. Join the ranks of Practitioners being sought to change the world.
A weekend of evolution to mastery as you forge an even deeper spiritual path as a doorway that leads you to ultimate peace.
Okuden moves you, the practitioner, into action.
We are creating a New Earth together, remembering LOVE is all there is.
This third degree of Saito Komyo Reiki helps you see your wisdom, discover your path and shows you how to put the Reiki Principles into action daily.
You will go within to again, because that is the only way.
You will become master of yourself
You will become Reiki.
You will gain the courage and insight to explore the depths of your shadow so that you can know your Deepest Wisdom and Highest Truth.
With the use of the last symbol, the Master Symbol, you will gain the power to embody the energy of Reiki without needing to ‘call it in’.
This is your view! Heaven in the hills of Alberta with a view that goes on forever.
We’ll be outside as much as we can.
Wander through the forest and hug a tree.
Let the breeze blow away the cobwebs of uncertainty.
Move as the warmth of the sun eases morning muscles.
And drink your fill of Mother Earth’s life force to replenish the water your body.
1.5 hours from Edmonton
We’ll put you in touch with Sandra to arrange for weekend camping with your RV, camper or tent.
Friday, July 7
6 – 9 pm Meet up starts at 6 to set up your camper or tent, get yourself settled and wander over to the campfire to meet everyone.
While we recommend no alcohol during the weekend, if you would like to partake, please feel free.
Saturday, July 8
8 – 9:30 Breakie (BYO, facilities available outdoors)
10 – 4 Okuden Reiki Class, outside if weather permits
5 – 7 Dinner break (Bring your own, cooking facilities available outside)
7 – 9 Campfire/conversation
Sunday, July 9
8 – 9:30 Breakie (BYO, facilities available outdoors)
10 – 4 Okuden Reiki Class, outside if weather permits
4 – 5 LOTS OF HUGS, pack up camp, pause, breathe, and shift to the next NOW
Hi! We're Rob and Lorie Saito
Together since 1982, we knew right away that we would be on a spiritual journey and that we had together in many timelines. After buying property to homestead, homebirthing three girls and establishing a life of unschooling we built a straw bale home.
We studied Conversations with God material with a dedicated group and discovered a completely new perspective that created a foundation for the rest of our lives, even 40 years later.
In 2004, we began our training in Reiki, after several years of energy work and other studies.
Through three strains in what we call "Western Reiki": Usui, Karuna and Tibetan we received certification to teach that instilled a longing for a Reiki practice that met our spiritual connection.
We were introduced to Komyo Reiki and Inamoto Sensei and found the Buddhist beginnings of Reiki that satisfied our longing.
And in 2008, we opened the first dedicated Reiki clinic in Canada, and began to teach Komyo Reiki.
Rob has been meditating since his younger years and is a 3rd generation energy worker. His father, Dr. Roy Saito used his intense sensitivity to help animals in his practice. His demeanor and success with animals resulted in the Saito Center being built at the Edmonton Valley Zoo to honour his investment in breeding programs for endangered animals.
Lorie has been studying for a lifetime and loves all things 'woo-hoo'. She received her Bachelor's Degree in Metaphysics, and is now completing her masters. In January of 2023, she merged the two parts of her world with a new Digital Marketing Certification and uses this to support spiritual entrepreneurs to expand their businesses.
We are obsessed with making sure that our students 'GET IT'! So, we developed the first training that separates 1st and 2nd degree into full weekends.
We also developed the original 21 Day Email Module for every degree which brings tips and guidance so that you can GET IT!
As a personal trainer, privy to her clients inner thouhts, Sandra knew, could feel, there was more.
She began her Reiki journey in 2015.
It was when she took Okuden that she felt everything settled in.
And then, once she began her training to become Shihan (teacher), all the dots connected.
Continued learning is a solid part of Sandra’s life. She has certifications in many modalities, including Saito Komyo Reiki, Lomi Lomi Massage and Personal Trainer.
She is presently studying to gain her Registered Massage Therapy Certification and her Bachelor’s Degree in Metaphysical Science.
You knowing Reiki at this time on the planet is not an accident!
Feel the empowerment and encouragement from a gathering of Reiki souls with the same purpose.
One Payment e-transfer
E-transfer $550 to us at
One-time payment of $568 with PayPal or Credit Card